At Church of the Open Bible, we value children’s Bible literacy. To foster growth in this area, we have created our very own Discipleship Group program which we run between our Equip Classes and the 11:00 am Sunday service. In this program, each child is given a daily planner that is full of Bible facts and verses to write out every day of the week. The child is to work in their planners on their own and then come to Discipleship Group and discuss what they learned over the past week in their planner.

Because we believe strongly in this program, we wanted to make these planners available to other churches who would like to implement a similar program for the children in their congregations.

Below is a gallery of both the Gr. 2-5 and Gr. 6-8 books to get a sampling of what is offered.

If you would like to order some, visit the button below to fill out our order form.

Grade 6-8 Discipleship Planner Preview Grade 2-5 Discipleship Planner Preview